“Time And Time Again”

On Exhibit: St. Charles Library, St. Charles, IL, for the months of April and May 2024

Published In: Daily Herald Article and Shaw Local

Exhibit Statement

This show, “Time And Time Again”, is a self-curated solo exhibition of twenty-two (22) artworks, including four (4) paintings and eighteen (18) hand-cut paper collages. All of the collages contain images of various types of clocks and references to time in a literal or metaphorical sense. Often, I personify time to conjure and convey psychological ideas through my art. This body of work reflects that.

I’ve always been fascinated by clocks. I’m drawn to exploring time through a symbolic lens. On occasion, time feels like an illusion, a blur of the minutiae, scarcity watches us back. Its rhythm sways, much like the pendulum, hypnotically moving us back and forth between the blur of the past and present. It ticks away the passing moment, knowingly draping itself amongst the curves of our lives. Reminding us that the clock hands tell more than the time. It is here that we try to lose our fragile sense of borrowed time yet find a containment in its contradictory constraints.


This exhibit is becoming a book.

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